Fortade’s vegetation management arm of the business includes:

Land clearing, slashing, mulching and includes tree removal, tree stump removal with qualified arborists and abseiling workers with experience and training. Our employees also hold chemical accreditation and Fortade deliver this with spray units and specialist equipment.


Being an environmentally aware company with a strong environmental policy for our workers to adhere to, we take pride in rejuvenation works. To aid this, our turfmaker that spreads seed, can help with re-establishing soil stability and the regeneration works of sites that have been disturbed through the earthmoving process.


Fortade vegetation management carries out roadside slashing & mulching with traffic control that can be quoted up as a combination. This has seen us undertake works for local councils and State Government agencies. Fortade Vegetation Management also has experience working within the guidelines of environmental approvals such as the ability to comply with environmental approvals such as Review of Environmental Factors (REF’s) 7 Part Tests, Bushfire Hazard Reduction Certificates and Environmental Impact Statements.


Whether it be working for one of our farmers clearing his fence line or undertaking sensitive geotechnical work, Fortade Vegetation Management can look after your needs.

Need help with your next project? Get in touch with us.

Get in touch

Contact Fortade

Address  7 Centra Park St, Macksville NSW 2447

Office/Enquiries  (02) 65 681 444

Bookings  0499 656 814

Mechanic  0427 466 240