As an environmentally aware company with a strong environmental policy, we take great care with land clearing and development works. We have a great deal of experience working within the guidelines of environmental approvals such as the ability to comply with the Review of Environmental Factors (REF’s) 7 Part Tests, Bushfire Hazard Reduction Certificates and Environmental Impact Statements.
Our experienced team work with qualified arborists and abseiling workers. Our employees also hold chemical accreditation and Fortade deliver this with spray units and specialist equipment.
Land Clearing and Development Earthworks services include:
Fortade can provide the complete land clearingpackage when carrying out roadside slashing and mulching including full traffic control services. East Coast Traffic Control Pty Ltd is a Fortade incorporated company. Land clearing and development earthworks clients include: Nambucca Shire Council, ARTC, Forestry, NSW Rural Fire Service, Office of Environment and Heritage, Local Aboriginal Lands Councils and many private customers.
Address 7 Centra Park St, Macksville NSW 2447
Office/Enquiries (02) 65 681 444
Bookings 0499 656 814
Mechanic 0427 466 240